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Why do you not use grub to change your graphics mode?

19. Mar 2017, 20:21

why do you not use grub to change your graphics mode before switching to protected/long mode? it's quite simple; when you pass the multiboot specifications <https://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/multiboot/multiboot.html#Specification> (with the magic number and all that), you can just pass 4 flags, set the next to 0 for video, then width height and depth. then, push ebx to the stack. btw you live in western europe right? I doubt that you'll ever get the time, but if you do, then head over to Belgium to go to fosdem. There are generally some nice talks about os dev in one of the buildings. I think it's the AW building. I live in Belgium, and it's truly great. Also, your videos are truly helpful, and thanks to you, I have nearly finished a full blown os before the age of 13! :D https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B11ApFbD1IdkNGdERzJkSWw4ZEUhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=0B11ApFbD1IdkS1FUTk44ekg0NE0https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B11ApFbD1IdkY0dyaFZnX2xENk0 Anyways, this message is way too long, so i'll end it here. Thank again!!

19. Mar 2017, 20:21

Re: Why do you not use grub to change your graphics mode?

20. Mar 2017, 09:13

I didn't know grub could do that - thanks for the hint :)

Re: Why do you not use grub to change your graphics mode?

20. Mar 2017, 21:10

Your welcome! :D This forum is great!

Re: Why do you not use grub to change your graphics mode?

23. Mar 2017, 11:49

seriously dude u coded this b4 age of 13?
this truly inspires me, where did you learn all this stuff from?

Re: Why do you not use grub to change your graphics mode?

24. Mar 2017, 21:13

It's a long story, and I don't even know exactly how and when it all started! But I'll still give it a go. I was intrigued by the program blender <https://www.blender.org/> at about the age of 6-7 maybe? Idk really. I wanted to have more control over the stuff that I made. I wanted to learn how. I discovered the Python language. That was fine for a while. But then, I wanted to have more control. So, I set myself to learn some language that had more power over the system than python, and so I tackled C++. I found it too complicated, so I tried C#, Java and some others. I settled with C, because it was the most robust, compatible, simple and speedy of the bunch. The only real disadvantages of C, are that it can have some rather complex syntax, and is very low level, so you can't make video games that use high level libraries as easy as in C#, C++, Java, Python, ... The problem is, that was all that interested me at the time. Video games. Then idk I just felt the urge to have more power over the system. For absolutely no reason whatsoever. So I decided to make my own OS. And then I discovered http://www.lowlevel.eu/wiki/Hauptseite, http://wiki.osdev.org/Main_Page, and of course, alogrithman.de.

Thanks for taking the time to watch my links, read my message and if you really want to know what inspires me to do this, it's comments like your's ;)

Re: Why do you not use grub to change your graphics mode?

18. Apr 2017, 17:13

Can anyone guide me on how did you add that interface in your operating system
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